
Where does the time go?

My sweet girl,

Next month we will be celebrating your 2nd birthday! How in the world did that happen? Mommy cannot believe how fast time flies.  It feels like I was just holding you for the first time and I remember every moment from that day, but that was so long ago.  You make life so much fun for us!  We enjoy so much watching you learn and grow...and even watch you come into your own and pitch little fits (actually they are rather big, embarrassing fits).  They are few and far between, but I'm trying to figure out how to handle the terrible two's that we are told will be coming soon.  We are getting little glimpses of your strong willed nature when things don't quite go your way and I have a hard time not laughing.  These are the moments where I have to step in and teach you how to handle situations.  For now, when you scream in anger or do things that you aren't supposed to...I put you in a hold (a time out for toddlers who don't quite understand the concept of sitting still, complements of Aunt Shana).  I sit you in my lap facing outward and hold your left arm with my right hand and your right arm with my left hand (It's almost like you are hugging yourself), and I count aloud to 10.  You absolutely HATE this.  You scream as if I'm torturing you, but after I count to 10 you immediately stop screaming and find something to play with like it never even happened.  You are too funny, which is why I face you away from me when I am trying to teach you a lesson so you can't see me laughing at myself as I try to enforce rules and boundaries.  You reached a big milestone this past Sunday night at church.  I took you down to the nursery and you walked right in and started playing without even missing me.  It was sad for mommy, but it was also nice because I like that you are becoming independent and learning how to play with friends.  As an only child who comes with me to work everyday I was worried you would have a hard time adjusting...but you definitely fall right into place with kids your age.  You have been having a blast playing with your new Christmas toys!  MarLee taught you how to ride your little powerwheels 4 wheeler up and down the halls at work and you think you are something else.  Everytime I look I see you flying by my office door grinning from ear to ear.  You haven't quite figured out how to steer yet and even when you run into a wall you keep your finger on the button because you enjoy watching the wheels spin in place (haha) and when you get tired of that...you get off, turn it around and go back down the hall! This keeps you entertained for a long time.  You also love your magnetic Melissa & Doug dolls and making mommy food in your new kitchen.  You will sit in your new Mercedes car when we are in the playroom and push all of the buttons but you aren't very comfortable with driving that yet.  You've also developed a new love for torturing our dogs.  I'm trying my best to teach you that this isn't funny and I'm not sure where this is coming from.  You will hold their treat bag in your hand because you love to give them their treats and stand there laughing hysterically while they bark at you, begging for a treat.  Then you finally let them have their way.  And you also like chasing them around with the musical instruments from your new band set.  Not very nice...I'm trying to break you of this.  You have started to ask to use the potty sometimes...but only because you want me to give you a MiMi (M&M) when you are finished. Heyyy, whatever works! Oh and I have to trick you into eating fruits and vegetables by baking them into the shape of fries.  Your favorite foods are chicken nuggets, french fries, spaghetti, bread, peanut butter sandwiches and yogurt (but only if it's in the cute little gogurt to-go tubes).  Your favorite thing to drink is water, although your grandparents are forever trying to slip you soda (gross) and that drives mommy crazy...because if I've done anything well, it's teach you to love water!!!  What else is new this week?  Oh, you give the best hugs and kisses...and you won't go to sleep until we say our prayers and you kiss mommy, daddy, BroDee, and
FinLee goodnight!  Guess it's time for me to stop typing out my random thoughts and start planning your birthday party little one!  I love You!


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