Hi sweetie,
I just want you to know how absolutely adorable, sweet, funny and entertaining you are. You have the most colorful personality of anyone I know, especially when you don't get your way. So much has changed since even your 2nd birthday and I cannot believe how big you have gotten. You are certainly not a little baby anymore, but don't ever forget that you will always be my baby no matter how big you are. There are so many things you are doing now that I never want to forget. We have conversations now and I feel like you completely understand EVERYTHING, unless of course you don't get your way and then you act confused. You say "My" when you should say "I." "Mommy my want to go play." "Mommy my not like peas." You tell me what you want without me having to ask you. You tell me you 'wuv' me and ask for kisses. You crinkle your nose when you laugh or get really excited about something. You love surprises. You love water...ice water, pool water, lake water, bath water, fish pond water, river water. Water is your thing. But you say it in an English accent so it sounds more like 'wahta.' You are so good with manners. But everyone is ma'am. There are no sirs. You say pretty pretty please when you want something. You really love being naked. But you are also adamant about putting your clothes on all by yourself. You love shoes almost as much as I do. Your favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, pizza, chicken nuggets, pasta in any form...especially spaghetti, goldfish, fruit loops, cheerios, breadsticks, and carrots dipped in ranch dressing but you lick the ranch off and spit the chewed up carrot in my hand (I have myself convinced that you are getting some sort of vitamins or nutrients in your system even when you spit the veggies out). You love being outside and if I let you, you would stay out there all day. Storms scare the heck out of you. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is your favorite book ever and we read it at least twice a day. We pray together at night and you always start our prayer off by saying "Dear Word, tank you tor..." (Dear Lord, thank you for) and at the end you say "Wuv You Desus, AMEN!" It's the cutest thing I have ever heard. You're obsessed with golf carts, but won't ride anything that makes noise such as a lawn mower or 4 wheeler. You have 3 babies and their names are Betty, River and Soup. I have no idea where the name Soup came from? Your hair finally fits into a ponytail and pigtails, and you prefer both because you are not a fan of your hair getting into your eyes when you are trying to play. When your daddy is at work you are like a little machine asking "Where my daddy?" "Where my daddy?" And anytime you see a car that is red you say "Is dat my daddy's torvette?" because he has a red Corvette. You love for us to take you to the River and let you "drive" down the dirt road in daddy's lap. You are a little whip on an iPad. Like seriously, you are super duper smart. But you prefer real books and puzzles. You love to help in the kitchen and you love riding your bike. I'm sure there are so many other things that you do that I don't want to forget, and I'll have to come back to them later.
I love you so much my beautiful, sweet, feisty little girl.
So so much.
Such a beautiful post and adorable pics.